Thursday, October 28, 2010

Simulating a running workout

I did an uphill fast-walk interval workout on Cowles Mountain this morning - 8 x 89 seconds, approximate 2 minute walk down to start after each. I'm trying to prepare for when I might be running again.


Rick said...

I know it sounds like a dirty word, but here goes anyway - aquajogging. I rehabed my calf strain and I'm running again thanks to vigorous water running. Your hip would love you for it.

NibblyBits said...
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NibblyBits said...

I find that 8 x 91 seconds is MASSIVELY more effective than 8 x 89 seconds. When I tried your workout both of my legs fell off and my buttocks exploded (I got better). So a word to the wise.. go just a bit longer AND a lot harder.
Marie Callendar