Friday, May 29, 2009

From my running log - 40 years ago:

"April 21, 1969 - 2:51:12 at the Boston Marathon - 95th place out of about 1,150 starters. I held myself back slightly for the first 10 miles, averaging 6:36-6:42 per mile. From the 10 mile to 17 mile mark was a lot of downhill. I was waiting to get tired but I didn't, so I looked forward to the hills, which it seems to me now, are really not worthy of their notoriety. I got to the top of the hills easy enough and then had only 5 miles to go. I would guess I ran the last 2 miles in about 12 minutes - gradually increasing my speed so that I was really hauling for the last 44o (yards). I passed a lot of guys in those last 2 miles, as I did during the entire race - especially the second half of it. I ran every step of it without stopping, and I had nothing to eat or drink." Note: do not try this yourself. Just because I was a dumb teenager who ran a marathon without drinking anything, does not mean anyone else should try it. This race was my second run at Boston - I had done the 1968 race as a high school senior. The 1969 Boston Marathon was also my second of three marathons in a one-month period. I had run a 2:57 marathon on a 12 degree day in Redfield, Iowa on March 31, 1969 and then 5 days after Boston, I ran a 2:53 marathon in the rain on April 26, 1969 in Des Moines, Iowa. Being 19 was as close as I ever got to being Superman.


Rick said...

Yeah, wait until they read your log after the Bellin Run.

Terry B said...

Boy! Does this bring back memories of being 19. While you were running, I was hanging on a chin up bar trying to finish 10 pull ups so I could get into the mess hall for breakfast during basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas. I'm gonna finish those 10 pull ups some day; going without breakfast for 43 years has hurt. Where's my spoon?

NibblyBits said...

As long as we're taking a trip in the WayBack Machine, 40 years ago I was watching these guys:
Professor Whoopee