Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still in one piece

Hiked a couple hours on Cowles Mountain with Terry this morning - same as Saturday. Everything felt good. Lots of energy - probably from the half a banana cream pie yesterday.


NibblyBits said...

Why that's GREAT news. And it can only mean one thing...
There's half a banana cream pie out there looking for a new home.
Ben New Home

Rick said...

Ah yes! The crucial carbo loading phase of the training. You wouldn't want to be overly light when you start bouncing down all those steps on the Kaibab Trail. Now I see why you were training with the 16 lb pack.

Dr Jay said...

How many banana cream pies can you fit in a 16lb pack? Sorry Rick, you'll have to perform the metric conversion yourself. Once you get that one, we'll determine how many hectares are covered by the Grand Canyon.
Good Luck and hold onto your intestines!