Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay, I MIGHT have overdone it a little

I had a good 2 hour hike on Cowle's Mountain yesterday morning with Terry. I carried a 16 pound pack to slow me down a little from the previous day's pace. I felt great before, during, and after the hike. But later, in the evening, I felt a new twinge in the vicinity of the hernia surgery incision. It's still a little swollen down there, so I suppose it's not completely healed yet. No pain today, but I'm taking the day off from exercise of any kind - just to play it safe. A day off will heal anything, right?


NibblyBits said...

A day? Heck I've had whole apendages (including a coupla craniums) spontaneously regenerate in mere minutes! A day off should be plenty... plus you'll be 20 years younger, better looking and WAY smarter too.

Rick said...

You overdoing it? It can't be true. Why you're the model of moderation, the ayatolla of controlla, the swami of serenity. I think they didn't use a big enough chunk of dacron or enough of the heavy grade staples. Anyway a little extra scarring should make it stronger, right?

Herb said...

Okay, I'm going with the "extra scarring" theory.

Dr Jay said...

Brilliant! As your personal online across-state-lines physician, I can tell you that most, if not all, surgeons would strongly recommend long hikes while carrying a heavy pack to truly test the mesh and sutures. You may also want to take a sack to hold your eviscerated bowels while you hike the canyon. Just some friendly advice from a concerned medical specialist.

Herb said...

Eviscerated?! Nah, I'll be wearing compression shorts! They fix EVERYTHING! I only had the surgery to get out of working for a few days.