Today, Mark and I drove 6 miles up Nate Harrison Grade Road on Mt. Palomar and then parked the car. We hiked down 6 miles and then turned around and hiked 6 miles back up to the car. The hike was shorter than we'll be doing at the Grand Canyon in 3 weeks, but we'll be hiking at an easier pace then. I was barely hanging on for the last half mile today - and I used to be able to RUN up that mountain!
Here's a map of the route. There was a 3,000 foot elevation difference between the start/finish and the turnaround point.

So, you guys have started to do the specialized training for the canyon. Now all you need are long series of stairs to jump down for a couple of hours. I've lost my running temporarily due to a stubborn calf, so I'm walking in solidarity to my "Canyon brothers". Keep on hippity hoppin' down the trails.
Being three weeks out, the old Herb would've put in three weeks of solid long stuff and taken the day off after the hike!
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