I've gone from a 5-mile "longest hike since surgery" to 10 miles in just 2 weeks - time for an easy week of swimming and a couple of SHORT walks. Mark took some video on our hike today. You can see them on his blog: http://surlyrando.blogspot.com/
An occasional chronicle of my misguided attempts to engage in physical activities a few years after what could be considered my prime. My mind is already gone - now watch as the body crumbles. This blog is for the entertainment of my old running buddies. Anyone else who stumbles upon this will be even more bored than my old buddies. You have been warned.
Doubling your distance in 2 weeks, come on. What could possibly go wrong with that plan? How long is the Grand Canyon hike?
I'm feeling okay after yesterday's 10-mile hike, so I guess no harm was done. The Grand Canyon hike will be 17 miles - 7 miles to Phantom Ranch from the South Kaibab trailhead, and then 10 miles from Phantom Ranch to the top of the Bright Angel Trail. As always, my secret weapon will be a slothful taper.
I say "get greedy!" Let's see you double your mileage every two weeks and the GC Hike will seem like it's fer weenies. Next up... Gobi desert (or dessert).
BTW: Lose the picture: Sandford and Son was cancelled ages ago.
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