Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Payoff Day"?

When people have surgery, they generally anticipate getting a better quality of life than before the surgery. Nobody would expect this to be the case immediately following the surgery - you have to allow time for healing. So, on some day following the surgery, the patient presumably gets to a point where they decide that their overall quality of life is now better than it was before the surgery. I'm going to call this point the "Payoff Day". In my usual naivete (stupidity?), I was anticipating a Payoff Day at 2-3 weeks after surgery. It looks like I may need to adjust that estimate for a variety of reasons which, if detailed, would sound suspiciously like whining. At any rate, this presents the opportunity of organizing a pool at your office/bar/cave to see who can most closely predict the Payoff Day for my recent surgery.
Hint: it's not tomorrow.

1 comment:

NibblyBits said...

Isn't payoff day when we go to heaven?