Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ready for the Canyon - too bad it's not today


Rick said...

You, sir, are the master. I am truly not worthy. Using your i-pod to sync to your video is inspired. It's too good. I have to get one of those gizmos now.

NibblyBits said...

Headline from the what could go wrong dept.:
San Diego -- Surgeons and hernia patients alike are besides themselves over the recent lack of the dacron used in hernia patches. Apparently the only known source of the dacron comes from the rare and somewhat bashful Persian Dacronia worm. Due to a recent epidemic of Afghaniceptoplastonemia virtually the entire global supply of the worms has been wiped out. They are currently on the endangered species list and are not expected to reach anything close to normal production levels until April 27th at the earliest. Meanwhile doctors have resorted to duct tape and told their patients to "just buck up." Unscrupulous internet operations have sprung up offering home-hernia kits for 3 easy payments of $29.95. One such operation was recently shut down. It was located in Boulder, CO.